Our corporate services are spread over a vast spectrum of industries offering corporate finance, investment and insurance solutions to entrepreneurs and their businesses. We specialize in devising customized and innovative solutions with our experienced team of product specialists. Our Corporate Services is an umbrella term that encompasses specialized services rendered to corporate houses by professionals to meet their ultimate business objectives.
Treasury Management
Treasury management is planning, organizing and controlling assets to satisfy the financial objectives of the organization. The purpose is to maximize the return on the available resources. Business owners looks assistance with managing their financial assets and holdings.
These services can help streamline business finances by managing cash, investments, and other financial assets. We help in treasury management system that aims to optimize a company’s liquidity, while also mitigating its financial, operational, and reputational risk.
Group Health Insurance
Group health insurance is a type of plan that provides coverage to a group of members, usually comprising employees of a company or members of an organization. This insurance plan is also referred to as corporate health insurance. A prime benefit under group health insurance provided by the employers is that the coverage support can be extended to the family members of the employees in some cases.
We assist in getting the best rates and suitable terms from various insurance companies to help them make the best choice.
Group Accidental and Life Insurance
Group Life or Accidental Insurance Scheme is life insurance protection to groups of people. This scheme is ideal for employers, associations, societies etc. and allows you to enjoy group benefits at really low costs. We can ssist you in getting the suitable terms at best prices exploring multiple insurers on your behalf.
General Insurance
When the situations are getting tough, you need general insurance that truly take care of your belongings. General Insurance provides the financial protection from loss or damage you may face due to mishaps. Be it your vehicles, health, travels, or home. The battle against the uncertainties and risk of day to day living gets taken care of by this type of insurance. We can give you right solutions understanding your in-depth requirement and inherent risks.
Liability and Indemnity Insurance
The professional liability insurance works on the concept of protecting professionals and businesses against any claims initiated by their clients with respect to the professional services or consultations offered. Professional indemnity cover is provided majorly on claims made due to errors, omissions or malpractices leading to significant financial losses.
EAR/CAR/WC/Fleet/Vehicle Insurance
Businesses are subject to various types of risks be it from the operational processes, construction, plant & machinery or any other type of hazards involving employees, contractors or sub contractors, etc. Such accidents or happenings may lead to significant business or financial risk to the company. We can assist you in identifying such risks and identifying the suitable insurance to cover such risks as most optimum costs.